Learn About Business Simulations and Strategy Execution
Learn how to effectively use business simulations within corporate training, leadership development, and more.
Why Use Business Simulations for Business Acumen Training
Why Use Business Simulations for Business Acumen Training The business world is changing all the time, but now, more than ever. That means the needs of the business are changing, as well. With a large number of senior staff retiring
Forbes Article: Strategic Thinking Training, Business Acumen And Resilience To Change
Forbes Article: Strategic Thinking Training, Business Acumen And Resilience To Change Forbes just published an article I wrote that looks at how to accelerate your strategy using strategic thinking, business acumen and resilience to change Skills. According to McKinsey &
Teaching Corporate Resilience Using Business Simulations
Teaching Corporate Resilience Using Business Simulations This is an article I wrote for Forbes in May of 2020. Posting a slightly edited version today since it seems more relevant than ever. The workplace is supposed to be a place where
Top Corporate Training Needs Within Today's Business
Top Corporate Training Needs Within Today’s Business Staying ahead in business means keeping current. That means product, employees, policies and technology. Plus, the workforce is constantly changing. The need for training and development is more important and necessary than ever
Using Business Simulations For Strategy Acceleration
There are a lot of changes happening in the corporate world. Globally, many senior leaders are getting ready or already have, retired. The rapid advancement of technology and the digital transformation of most organizations is also a massive change. How
Using Leadership Development Simulations with Tomorrow's Leaders
Using Leadership Development Simulations with Tomorrow’s Leaders With a large portion of baby boomers retiring or set to retire in the next decade, organizations are looking to replace these leaders. It can be a challenge for companies to find people
The Importance of Business Acumen Training
The Importance of Business Acumen Training Business acumen, business smarts, business savvy. They all mean the same thing. But what do they really mean? How do you attain it, develop it and teach it? It really comes down to understanding how
Looking Forward: Leadership Development Simulations and Employee Development
Leadership Development Simulations and Employee Development Staying on top of the changes to business means staying on top of what skills are needed. This can be challenging for many companies. From the upper level of management retiring to the constant
Leadership Development Simulations - Where to Focus
Leadership Development Simulations – Where to Focus Staying on top of the changes to business means staying on top of what skills are needed. This can be challenging for many companies. From t
Business Acumen Training In The 21st Century
Business Acumen Training In The 21st Century Staying competitive has always been a challenge for businesses. With technology and the workforce rapidly changing, that competition is even stronger. Staying on top of your game means your business needs to hone
Strategy Execution Acceleration: The Organization
Strategy Execution Acceleration: The Organization Advantages of a Highly Cross-Functional Organization The way businesses operate is changing rapidly. They now require a lot of different skills they never needed before. With the advancement of digital transformation, competitors stronger than ever,
Hands-on Leadership Development - Training Industry Article: 5 Ideas to Keep It Applied and Engaging
5 Ideas to Keep Hands-on Leadership Development, Applied and Engaging Started working with TrainingIndustry.com and as always, it’s been great. Here’s an article we just posted: 5 Ideas to Keep Leadership Development Hands-on, Applied and Engaging Effective leadership development has
Using Business Simulations for Strategy Acceleration
Using Business Simulations for Strategy Acceleration Communication is one of the most important elements of any relationship; Personal and business. Without it, there is a breakdown. If your organization is working in silos, then you have a communication problem. A
Forbes Article: Teaching Corporate Resilience To Tomorrow's Leaders
Teaching Corporate Resilience To Tomorrow’s Leaders The workplace is supposed to be a gratifying environment where people learn to push their boundaries, overcome challenges and chart purposeful paths in life. Even though work has the potential to enhance personal growth
What Companies Can Learn From Steve Jobs About Employee Development In Down Times
What Companies Can Learn From Steve Jobs About Employee Development In Down Times The changing face of the workforce means a growing gap in certain skills. Specifically, leadership and management skills. This gap, by its nature, extends to gaps in
Branching Story Business Simulations for Leadership Development
Branching Story Business Simulations for Leadership Development Branching stories for use within leadership development can be incredibly powerful. Oddly, these tools are often discounted as either too amateur or too much work. Branching stories are often classified as a business
All Simulation Studios Sims Now Fully Virtual!
For years, Simulation Studios business training simulations have been fully virtual ready. But I’ll be honest, I’ve never been a big fan of running business simulations within leadership development virtually. As a result, I’ve stayed out of touch with virtual
Today's Business Acumen Training Is Lot More Than Numbers
Today’s Business Acumen Training Is Lot More Than Numbers Today’s leaders need to have a full plate of skills in order to propel a company into the future. With so many leaders of a certain age set to leave corporations,
Benefits of Experiential Learning
Benefits of Experiential Learning Staying competitive in today’s marketplace is more challenging than ever. Technology is changing and advancing so fast, it means people’s skills need to change to keep up. There is also a changing of the guard occurring
The Importance of Strategic Thinking Training
The Importance of Strategic Thinking Training We all have a strategy. Whether it’s a way to win a simple game or to arrive at a certain location, we have strategies all the time. It really comes down to ‘ifs’. If