All Simulation Studios Sims Now Fully Virtual!

For years, Simulation Studios business training simulations have been fully virtual ready. But I'll be honest, I've never been a big fan of running business simulations within leadership development virtually. As a result, I've stayed out of touch with virtual training platforms. I've always kept Simulation Studios Business Simulations fully virtual ready, but just never completed the final steps to deploy it.Well, times are a chang'in :^D (slight understatement). As a result, we've been heads down coding, testing, exploding, case testing, and perfecting what we think is the worlds best virtual leadership development business simulations on the planet. Of course we think that. After all, who the heck calls their own baby ugly, right? In seriousness, I can officially and, for the first time, say that these are officially Bill approved.The hardest part was preserving the people interactions that are forced within the sim. I can happily say that all the behavioral leadership components are 100% in-tact. There is also some new and very interesting learnings that can be practiced when running our leadership development business simulation virtually.Summary: Simulation Studios Leadership Development Business Simulations are 100% virtual and Bill approved (yes!). Hope to see you in the cloud soon!FunFact:- To make this happen, I've had to custom architect a computer. The parts are hard to get, but on their way. Our current high end processing workstations are going to melt so one of the new workstations I'm going to build is a 12 core workstation running an AMD Ryzen 9 3900X - (picture Bill smiling and rubbing his hands in geek enjoyment).


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