Forbes Article: Strategic Thinking Training, Business Acumen And Resilience To Change

Forbes Article: Strategic Thinking Training, Business Acumen And Resilience To Change

Forbes just published an article I wrote that looks at how to accelerate your strategy using strategic thinking, business acumen and resilience to change Skills.According to McKinsey & Company, the cause of strategic change failure is a “lack of employee engagement, inadequate management support, poor or nonexistent cross-functional collaboration and a lack of accountability.” Similarily, the Harvard Business Review reports that leaders across all levels must adjust their mindsets and behaviors to move their companies in the direction of the desired changes. Unfortunately, some corporations get so entangled in sales and making profits that they neglect their workforce. They rely too much on allowances and paid holidays to boost employees’ morale, loyalty and dedication. They forget to grow their employees’ skills, mindsets and overall ability to prepare for strategic change.Full Article Here: Accelerate Your Strategy Using Strategic Thinking, Business Acumen And Resilience To Change SkillsEnjoy!


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